WinniTodo is not just another task management app; it is the ultimate task management app, designed for effortless organization and productivity. It simplifies tracking for shopping lists, supermarket, grocery lists or todo lists, making it easy to keep track of items you might otherwise forget.

Seamlessly navigate through our intuitive interface, regardless of your tech expertise.

- Accessible in over 25 languages, our app ensures global connectivity.

- Stay synced across devices and users with apps on iOS, Android, and tablets.

- Manage tasks efficiently with schedules, due dates, and customizable alerts.

- Collaborate effortlessly by sharing lists via social media.

- Print or export lists for easy access anytime, anywhere.

- Unlock premium features, including multi-account access for friends, family, and partners. Personalize your experience with customizable features and many more features.

WinniTodo, your helper in the Todo list, Shopping list, Grocery list, or Supermarket list. Revolutionize your productivity - download now and conquer your to-dos with ease!

Feature 1 : Todo List and Items

Todo List and Items Full Video Link

Enhance your productivity with a range of additional features for your todo list. Set recurring tasks, receive timely reminders, and add detailed notes to keep track of important information. Attach files and links to tasks for easy reference, and sort tasks by Important, reminder status, or alphabetically. Merge multiple lists into one for streamlined management and effortlessly add items from text snippets. Plus, export your lists for convenient access across platforms. With these added functionalities, stay organized and on top of your tasks with ease.

1.1 Add Todo List

Step 1: Open the app, and you'll be directed to the Home Page's Todo Tab. If you're on a different page, simply navigate there.

Home Page's Todo Tab

Step 2: Enter your list name in the text box under the "Today" category (1), then tap either the plus icon on the right side (2) or the Enter key on your keyboard.

List Name Input List Name Add Button

Your newly added list will appear at the top of the list view.

View of Newly Added list

1.2 Add List items

Step 1: Tap the ">" icon next to the relevant list name to add list items. It will take you to the "Edit Todo" page

Move to Edit Todo Page

Step 2: Type your item into the input box provided below your list name (1) You can add items using text or emojis . Then, tap the plus icon (2) or tap the Enter key on your keyboard like you did when you added the list name.

Add List Items

Your newly added items will appear like this.

View of List Items

Step 3: To save your items, tap the "Save" button (1). A success message will appear in the top right corner of the app (2). You can also navigate back, press the back button, or minimize the app on your phone; with all your items will be saved automatically.

Save List Items

Add Lists and Items

1.3 Delete the List item

Step 1: Tap the Delete icon next to the relevant item name.

Move to Edit Todo Page

After deleting an item, it briefly shows with an option to undo like below image for few seconds. Then, it disappears. To bring it back, tap the undo icon where the delete icon was.

Add List Items

1.4 Recover Deleted Item

Step 1: Go to the List and Click on Toggle Switch on top of the page under search box.

Switch to show completes

Step 2: Scroll to the bottom of the list to find the deleted items.

Delete Items View

Step 3: Tap on undo icon to recover the item.

Delete Items Recover

The recovered item will appear in the list view.

After Recover an Item

1.5 Done / Complete Items

Step 1: Navigate to the list and tap on the round checkbox next to the item name.

Switch to show incompletes

The checkbox will turn green, and the text will have a strikethrough. After a few seconds, it will disappear from the list.

Delete Items View

Step 2: You can locate completed items by toggling the switch on top of the page under search box, to display completed Todos. The completed items will appear in the list view.

Switch to show completes

1.6 Done / Complete List

Step 1: Go to the list and tap on the circular checkbox next to the list name.

Delete Items View

A confirmation pop-up will appear. Click "Yes" to proceed.

Done Confirmation

Step 2: You can find completed lists on the Home page under the "Done" tab.

Switch to show completes

Feature 2 : List Additional Features

The Todo List and Items feature in our application serves as a dynamic organizer for tasks and activities. Users can easily create, manage, and prioritize their tasks within this centralized platform.

2.1 Set Reminders

2.1.1 Add Remind Me

Step 1: To access the list, click on the ">" icon, which will take you to the Edit Todo page. From there, click on the three dots "..." located in front of the list name.

Access List Features

Step 2: Upon accessing the flyer containing additional features of the list, select the second option labeled "Remind Me".

List Flyer

Step 3: You'll be directed to the "Remind Me" page, where you can set the date and time for your reminder.

Remind Me Page

Step 4: To set the date, you can choose from options like "Today," "Tomorrow," or "Next week," or select any future date from the calendar as per your preference.

Set Remind Me Date

Step 5: You can set the time by using the up and down arrow icons to adjust the hours and minutes.

Set Remind Me Time

Step 6: Once you've set the desired date and time, click on the "Done" button (at bottom right corner) to save your reminder.

Reminder Save

Your chosen reminder date and time will be displayed within the flyer, replacing the "Remind Me" option, indicating that your reminder has been successfully set.

View of Saved Reminder

2.1.2 Remove Remind Me

Step 1: Simply click on the cross icon located in front of the added Reminder Date to cancel or remove the reminder.

Remove Reminder

Step 2: When prompted for confirmation to delete the reminder, click "Yes" to proceed with the deletion.

Reminder Delete Confirmation

2.2 Set Reminder Repeat Type

2.2.1 Add Repeat Type

Step 1: To access the list, click on the ">" icon, which will take you to the Edit Todo page. From there, click on the three dots "..." located in front of the list name.

Set Repeat Type

Step 2: Upon accessing the flyer containing additional features of the list, select the first option labeled "Repeat".

Repeat Option

Step 3: Next, you'll encounter four repeat types: "Daily," "Weekly," "Monthly," and "Yearly." Simply select the repeat type that best suits your preference.

Repeat Types

Step 4: After selecting the desired repeat type (1), click on the "Done" button to save your selection. (2)

Save Repeat Type

Your selected repeat type will be displayed within the flyer, replacing the "Repeat" option, confirming that your choice has been saved.

Saved View of Repeat Type

2.2.2 Remove Repeat Type

Step 1: To remove the added repeat type, simply click on the cross icon located in front of it.

Remove Repeat

Step 2: When you're asked for confirmation to remove the repeat type, click "Yes" to confirm and proceed with the deletion.

Repeat Type Delete Confirmation

2.3 Add Note

2.3.1 Add Note

Step 1: To access the list, click on the ">" icon, which will take you to the Edit Todo page. From there, click on the three dots "..." located in front of the list name.

Add Note

Step 2: Upon accessing the flyer containing additional features of the list, select the third option labeled "Add Note".

Add Note Option

Step 3: You'll be directed to the "Add Note" page, where you'll see a text area to input your note.

Add Note Page

Step 4: Tap on the text area and add your note (1). Once you're done, click on the "Done" button located at the bottom right corner(2).

Save Note

After saving your note, the "Add Note" option will be replaced with "View Note".

View Note Option

2.3.2 View Note

First Way: Through Feature Flyer

Step 1: Click on the "View Note" option to see the note you've added.

View Note Option

You'll be directed back to the "Add Note" page, where you can see your added note in the text area. If necessary, you can update your note here.

You can use the cross icon in the top right corner to close the note view.

View Note Option 1
Second Way: At bottom of the List

Navigate to the list and scroll down to the bottom. There, you'll find a dropdown labeled "Notes (1)". Click on the ">" icon to view the added note.

View Note Option 2

2.3.3 Delete Note

Step 1: To remove the added Note, simply click on the cross icon located in front of "View Note" option.

Delete Note

Step 2: When you're asked for confirmation to remove the Note, click "Yes" to confirm and proceed with the deletion.

Note Delete Confirmation

2.4 Add Files

2.4.1 Add Files

Step 1: To access the list, click on the ">" icon, which will take you to the Edit Todo page. From there, click on the three dots "..." located in front of the list name.

Add Files

Step 2: Upon accessing the flyer containing additional features of the list, select the fourth option labeled "Add Files".

Add Files Option

Step 3: You'll be directed to the "Add File" page where you'll find three options: "Files," "Photos," and "Camera".

Add File Page

Step 4: Choose an option to select files for adding. You can add up to 5 files or photos.

Add Files

Step 5: After selecting your files or photos, click "Done." Your files will be uploaded. You'll then see the message "Todo List saved Successfully."

Files Saved

After saving your files, the "Add Files" option will be replaced with "View Files."

Files Saved View

2.4.2 View Files

First Way: Through Feature Flyer

Step 1: Click on the "View Files" option to see the files you've added.

View Files Option

You'll be directed back to the "Add File" page, where you can see your added files there. If necessary, you can remove your added files (1) or add new files.

You can use the cross icon in the top right corner to close the Add File view. (2)

Add File Page
Second Way: At bottom of the List

Navigate to the list and scroll down to the bottom. There, you'll find a dropdown labeled "Attachments(count of your attachments)". Click on the ">" icon to view the attachments.

View Attachments Option 2

2.4.3 Delete Files

Step 1: Click on the "View Files" option to see the files you've added.

View Files Option

You'll be directed back to the "Add File" page, where you can see your added files there.

Add File Page

Step 2: Click on the cross icon of the file(s) you need to remove from the attached files.

Remove Attachments

Step 3: After removing the attached files, click the "Done" button to save your changes. Please remember that once you delete files, they cannot be recovered. If needed, you will have to add them again from your side.

Save After Remove Files

2.5 Add Links or URLs

2.5.1 Add Links or URLs

Step 1: To access the list, click on the ">" icon, which will take you to the Edit Todo page. From there, click on the three dots "..." located in front of the list name.

Feature List

Step 2: Upon accessing the flyer containing additional features of the list, select the fifth option labeled "Add Links or URLs".

Add URLs or Links Option

Step 3: You'll be directed to the "Add Links or URLs" page where you will find the input box to type or paste URLs or links. You can type or paste your valid URLs or links there. Please note that duplicates and invalid URLs cannot be added.

Add Links / URL Page

Step 4: After pasting or typing those, click the "+" icon or tap the Enter key on your keyboard.

Add Pasted or Typed URLs/Links

Step 5: Once you've added all the links/URLs, click the "Done" button to save your changes.

Save added URLs/Links

After saving your files, the "Add Links or URLs" option will be replaced with "View File Links or URLs".

View Links Option

2.5.2 View File Links or URLs

First Way: Through Feature Flyer

Step 1: Click on the "View File Links or URLs" option to see the links or URLs you've added.

View Links Option

You'll be directed back to the "Add File Links or URLs" page, where you can see your added links/URLs there. If necessary, you can remove your added links (1) or add new links/URLs.

You can use the cross icon in the top right corner to close the Add Links or URLs view. (2)

Add File Links or URLs Page
Second Way: At bottom of the List

Navigate to the list and scroll down to the bottom. There, you'll find a dropdown labeled "File Links or URLs(count of your attachments)". Click on the ">" icon to view the attachments.

View File Links or URLs Option 2

2.5.3 Delete Links or URLs

Step 1: Click on the "View File Links or URLs" option to see the links you've added.

View Links Option

You'll be directed back to the "Add File Links or URLs" page, where you can see your added links there.

Add File Links or URLs Page

Step 2: Click on the cross icon of the link(s) you need to remove from the added links.

Remove Attachments

Step 3: After removing the links, click the "Done" button to save your changes. Please remember that once you delete links, they cannot be recovered. If needed, you will have to add them again from your side.

Save After Remove Links or URLs

2.6 Sort by Important

2.6.1 Apply Sort by Important

Step 1: To access the list, click on the ">" icon, which will take you to the Edit Todo page. From there, click on the three dots "..." located in front of the list name.

Feature List

Step 2: Upon accessing the flyer containing additional features of the list, select the sixth option labeled "Sort by Important".To proceed, you should have marked some items as important. Check out the "Mark as Important" feature to learn how to prioritize tasks.

Sort by Important Option

You'll be directed to the list item view, where you'll see the important items at the top of the item list.

Keep in mind that you can't sort by two or more sort options at once. If a sort is already applied, it will be discarded, and the new sort option will be applied.

Sort by Important View

2.6.2 Remove Sort by Important

Step 1: Simply click on the cross icon in front of the "Sort by Important" or tap the option name. This will revert the item view to its previous order of items that you've set.

Remove Sort by Important

2.7 Sort by Remind Me

2.7.1 Apply Sort by Remind Me

Step 1: To access the list, click on the ">" icon, which will take you to the Edit Todo page. From there, click on the three dots "..." located in front of the list name.

Feature List

Step 2: Upon accessing the flyer containing additional features of the list, select the seventh option labeled "Sort by Remind Me". To proceed, you should have added Reminders for some items. Check out the "Set Remind Me for List Item" feature to learn how to set reminders for items.

Sort by Remind Me Option

You'll be directed to the list item view, where you'll notice that items with reminders set will appear at the top of the list, ordered by their reminder times, from farthest dates to closest dates.

Keep in mind that you can't sort by two or more sort options at once. If a sort is already applied, it will be discarded, and the new sort option will be applied.

Sort by Remind Me View

2.7.2 Remove Sort by Remind Me

Step 1: Simply click on the cross icon in front of the "Sort by Remind Me" or tap the option name. This will revert the item view to its previous order of items that you've set.

Remove Sort by Remind Me

2.8 Sort by A-Z

2.8.1 Apply Sort by A-Z

Step 1: To access the list, click on the ">" icon, which will take you to the Edit Todo page. From there, click on the three dots "..." located in front of the list name.

Feature List

Step 2: Upon accessing the flyer containing additional features of the list, select the eighth option labeled "Sort by A-Z".

Sort by A-Z Option

You'll be directed to the list item view, you will see items ordered alphabetically from A to Z.

Sort by A-Z View

2.8.2 Remove Sort by A-Z

Step 1: Simply click on the cross icon in front of the "Sort by A-Z" or tap the option name. This will revert the item view to its previous order of items that you've set.

Remove Sort by A-Z

2.9 Merge Todo List From

Here, you can merge another existing list with your current list.

Step 1: To access the list, click on the ">" icon, which will take you to the Edit Todo page. From there, click on the three dots "..." located in front of the list name.

Feature List

Step 2: Upon accessing the flyer containing additional features of the list, select the ninth option labeled "Merge Todo List From".

Merge Todo List From Option

Step 3: From there, select a list you want to merge with this by tapping on the round radio button available on the left side of the list name.

Select a List

If needed, you can view the relevant list item by clicking on the up arrow icon on the right side of the list name.

See Items of List

Step 4: Then click the "Done" button to complete the merge.

Done for Merge List

You'll see a message indicating how many items were merged and how many duplicates were skipped. Merged items can be seen at the top of the list.

Merge Todo List Success Message Merged List Items

2.10 Add Items from Para to List

Here, you can add items by typing or pasting a comma-separated list.This feature is particularly useful when you need to add items that you've received in chats, messages, or emails.

Step 1: To access the list, click on the ">" icon, which will take you to the Edit Todo page. From there, click on the three dots "..." located in front of the list name.

Feature List

Step 2: Upon accessing the flyer containing additional features of the list, select the tenth option labeled "Add Items from Para to List".

Add Items from Para to List Option

You'll be directed to a page that has a text area where you can add a comma-separated paragraph.

Add Items from Para to List Page

After typing or pasting the paragraph, make sure to separate each item by a comma. Then, click the "Create Items" button in the bottom right corner.

Comma Separated Paragraph Sample & Create Item Button

After clicking the "Create Items" button, you'll see a success message indicating how many items were added through the paragraph.

Create Items from Para to List

You can see that the added items have been included in the list.

Added Items from Para to List View

2.11 Export List to File

If you need to print or share your list with another person as a file, you can use the feature to export your list as a CSV file.

Step 1: To access the list, click on the ">" icon, which will take you to the Edit Todo page. From there, click on the three dots "..." located in front of the list name.

Feature List

Step 2: Upon accessing the flyer containing additional features of the list, select the eleventh option labeled "Export List to File".

Export List to File Option

Then you'll get shareable options available on your phone. Select one and send your items.

Here is a sample view of the exported list.

Export List to File View

2.12 Delete List

Step 1: To access the list, click on the ">" icon, which will take you to the Edit Todo page. From there, click on the three dots "..." located in front of the list name.

Feature List

Step 2: Upon accessing the flyer containing additional features of the list, select the last option labeled "Delete".

List Delete Option

Step 3: Then You will ask for Delete confirmation. Tap Yes there to proceed.

Delete Confirmation Popup

Feature 3: List Item Additional Features

The Todo List Items feature in our application also serves as a dynamic organizer for tasks and activities. Users can easily manage their list items within this centralized platform.

3.1 Set Reminders for an Item

3.1.1 Add Remind Me

Step 1: Access the list, and then tap the three dots (...) relevant to a list item to which you are going to add a reminder.

Access List Item Features

Step 2: Upon accessing the flyer containing additional features of the list items, select the second option labeled "Remind Me".

Item Flyer

You'll be directed to the "Remind Me" page, where you can set the date and time for your reminder. It is same like List Remind Me page.

Remind Me Page - Item Reminder

Step 3: To set the date, you can choose from options like "Today," "Tomorrow," or "Next week," or select any future date from the calendar as per your preference.

Set Remind Me Date

Step 4: You can set the time by using the up and down arrow icons to adjust the hours and minutes.

Set Remind Me Time

Step 5: Once you've set the desired date and time, click on the "Done" button (at bottom right corner) to save your reminder.

Reminder Save

Your chosen reminder date and time will be displayed within the flyer, replacing the "Remind Me" option, indicating that your reminder has been successfully set.

View of Saved Reminder

3.1.2 Update Remind Me

Step 1: Simply tap on the added Reminder to update the reminder. You will be directed to the "Remind Me" page. Then follow the same steps as Add Reminder (from Step 3).

Added Item Reminder

3.1.3 Remove Remind Me

Step 1: Simply click on the cross icon located in front of the added Reminder Date to remove the reminder.

Remove Reminder

3.2 Set Reminder Repeat Type for an Item

3.2.1 Add Repeat Type

Step 1: Access the list, and then tap the three dots (...) relevant to a list item to which you are going to add a repeat for a reminder.

Set Repeat Type for an Item

Step 2: Upon accessing the flyer containing additional features of the list items, select the first option labeled "Repeat".

Item Repeat Option

Step 3: Next, you'll encounter four repeat types: "Daily," "Weekly," "Monthly," and "Yearly." Simply select the repeat type that best suits your preference.

Repeat Types

Step 4: After selecting the desired repeat type (1), click on the "Done" button to save your selection.(2)

Save Repeat Type

Your selected repeat type will be displayed within the flyer, replacing the "Repeat" option, confirming that your choice has been saved

Saved View of Repeat Type

3.2.2 Update Repeat Type

Step 1: To update the added repeat type, simply click on the added Repeat type name. You will be directed to the "Repeat" page. Then follow the same steps as Add Repeat Type (from Step 3)

Repeat Reminder View

3.2.3 Remove Repeat Type

Step 1: To remove the added repeat type, simply click on the cross icon located in front of it.

Remove Repeat

3.3 Add Note for an Item

3.3.1 Add Note

Step 1: Access the list, and then tap the three dots (...) relevant to a list item to which you are going to add a note.

Add Note for an Item

Step 2: Upon accessing the flyer containing additional features of the list items, select the third option labeled "Add Note".

Add Note Option

Step 3: You'll be directed to the "Add Note" page, where you'll see a text area to input your note. Tap on the text area and add your note.

Add Note Page

Step 4: Once you're done, click on the "Done" button located at the bottom right corner.

Save Note

After saving your note, the "Add Note" option will be replaced with "View Note".

View Note Option

3.3.2 View Note

First Way: Through Feature Flyer

Step 1: Click on the "View Note" option to see the note you've added.

View Note Option

You'll be directed back to the "Add Note" page, where you can see your added note in the text area. If necessary, you can update your note here.

You can use the cross icon in the top right corner to close the note view.

View Note Option 1
Second Way: At bottom of the List

Navigate to the list and scroll down to the bottom. There, you'll find a dropdown labeled "Notes (Note count)". Click on the ">" icon to view the added note.

View Note Option 2

3.3.3 Delete Note

Step 1: To remove the added Note, simply click on the cross icon located in front of "View Note" option.

Delete Note

3.4 Add Files for an Item

3.4.1 Add Files

Step 1: Access the list, and then tap the three dots (...) relevant to a list item to which you are going to add files.

Add Note for an Item

Step 2: Upon accessing the flyer containing additional features of the list items, select the fourth option labeled "Add Files".

Add Files Option

Step 3: You'll be directed to the "Add File" page where you'll find three options: "Files," "Photos," and "Camera".

Add File Page

Step 4: Choose an option to select files for adding. You can add up to 5 files or photos.

Add Files

Step 5: After selecting your files or photos, click "Done." Your files will be uploaded. You'll then see the message "Todo List saved Successfully."

Files Saved

After saving your files, the "Add Files" option will be replaced with "View Files".

Files Saved View

3.4.2 View Files

First Way: Through Feature Flyer

Step 1: Click on the "View Files" option to see the files you've added.

View Files Option

You'll be directed back to the "Add File" page, where you can see your added files there. If necessary, you can remove your added files or add new files.

You can use the cross icon in the top right corner to close the Add File view.

Add File Page
Second Way: At bottom of the List

Navigate to the list and scroll down to the bottom. There, you'll find a dropdown labeled "Attachments(count of your attachments)". Click on the ">" icon to view the attachments.

View Attachments Option 2

3.4.3 Delete Files

Step 1: Click on the "View Files" option to see the files you've added.

View Files Option

You'll be directed back to the "Add File" page, where you can see your added files there.

Add File Page

Step 2: Click on the cross icon of the file(s) you need to remove from the attached files.

Remove Attachments

Step 3: After removing the attached files, click the "Done" button to save your changes. Please remember that once you delete files, they cannot be recovered. If needed, you will have to add them again from your side.

Save After Remove Files

3.5 Add Links or URLs for an Item

3.5.1 Add Links or URLs

Step 1: Access the list, and then tap the three dots (...) relevant to a list item to which you are going to add files.

Add Links or URLs for an Item

Step 2: Upon accessing the flyer containing additional features of the list items, select the fifth option labeled "Add Links or URLs".

Add URLs or Links Option

Step 3: You'll be directed to the "Add Links or URLs" page where you will find the input box to type or paste URLs or links. You can type or paste your valid URLs or links there. Please note that duplicates and invalid URLs cannot be added.

Add Links / URL Page

Step 4: After pasting or typing those, click the "+" icon or tap the Enter key on your keyboard.

Add Pasted or Typed URLs/Links

Step 5: Once you've added all the links/URLs, click the "Done" button to save your changes.

Save added URLs/Links

After saving your files, the "Add Links or URLs" option will be replaced with "View File Links or URLs".

View Links Option

3.5.2 View File Links or URLs

First Way: Through Feature Flyer

Step 1: Click on the "View File Links or URLs" option to see the links or URLs you've added.

View Links Option

You'll be directed back to the "Add File Links or URLs" page, where you can see your added links/URLs there. If necessary, you can remove your added links or add new links/URLs.

You can use the cross icon in the top right corner to close the Add Links or URLs view.

Add File Links or URLs Page
Second Way: At bottom of the List

Navigate to the list and scroll down to the bottom. There, you'll find a dropdown labeled "File Links or URLs(count of your attachments)". Click on the ">" icon to view the attachments.

View File Links or URLs Option 2

3.5.3 Delete Links or URLs

Step 1: Click on the "View File Links or URLs" option to see the links you've added.

View Links Option

You'll be directed back to the "Add File Links or URLs" page, where you can see your added links there.

Add File Links or URLs Page

Step 2: Click on the cross icon of the link(s) you need to remove from the added links.

Remove Attachments

Step 3: After removing the links, click the "Done" button to save your changes. Please remember that once you delete links, they cannot be recovered. If needed, you will have to add them again from your side.

Save After Remove Links or URLs

3.6 Change Category To

Before this, move to the Category Item View for a better view of category changes by taping Category View icon.

Change to Category View

Step 1: Access the list, and then tap the three dots (...) relevant to a list item to which you are going to add files.

Access Item Flyer

Step 2: Upon accessing the flyer containing additional features of the list items, select the last option labeled "Change Category To".

Change Category to Option

You will be directed to a page that shows the available categories. Your selected item's category will be highlighted in the view.

Change Category Page View

Step 3: Then select the category to which you want to move your item and tap the "Done" button.

Done after Select Category

Your Item will move to the new Category (Here moved from Common to Supermarket Category)

After Moved to new category

Feature 4: Todo Other Features

4.1 Reorder Lists and Items

4.1.1 Reorder List

Step 1: Open the app, and you'll be directed to the Home Page's Todo Tab. If you're on a different page, simply navigate there.

Home Page's Todo Tab

Step 2: Using the green color up and down arrow icon, drag and drop your list to the place where you want to move it.

Reorder Todo List

4.1.2 Reorder List Item

Step 1: Navigate to your list by tapping the ">" icon with the list.

Access to List items to reorder

Step 2: Using the green color up and down arrow icon, drag and drop your list to the place where you want to move it. You can choose the same way to move an item to another category.

Reorder Items

Step 3: Tap the save button to save your reorder changes. (This is not necessary. Even if you navigate back, your list changes will be saved)

Save Reorder Changes

4.2 Mark as Important

4.2.1 List - Mark as Important

Step 1: Open the app, and you'll be directed to the Home Page's Todo Tab. If you're on a different page, simply navigate there.

Home Page's Todo List

Step 2: Tap on the star icon appears with the list. Icon will be yellow filled and your list marked as Important.

Reorder Todo List

4.2.2 List Item - Mark as Important

Step 1: Navigate to your list by tapping the ">" icon with the list.

List Item View

Step 2: Tap on the star icon appears with the list. Icon will be yellow filled and your list marked as Important.

Save Reorder Changes

4.3 List Sort Options

4.3.1 Sort by Important

Step 1: Tap on the three dots (...) available with "Today" at the right corner of the page.

Access List Sort

Step 2: It will open the flyer containing Sort Options. Select the first option labeled "Important".

List Sort Option

You can see your important marked list came top of each Category.

List Sort by Important

4.3.2 Sort by Created Date

Step 1: Tap on the three dots (...) available with "Today" at the right corner of the page.

Access List Sort

Step 3: It will open the flyer containing Sort Options. Select the second option labeled "Created Date".

List Sort Option

You can see your list sorted by created date in each Category.

List Sort by Created Date

4.3.3 Sort by Remind Me

Step 1: Tap on the three dots (...) available with "Today" at the right corner of the page.

Access List Sort

Step 2: It will open the flyer containing Sort Options. Select the third option labeled "Remind Me".

List Sort Option

You can see your list sorted by set reminders in each category.

List Sort by Remind Me

4.3.4 Sort by Alphabatically

Step 1: Tap on the three dots (...) available with "Today" at the right corner of the page.

Access List Sort

Step 2: It will open the flyer containing Sort Options. Select the last option labeled "Alphabetically".

List Sort Option

You can see your list sorted by A - Z order in each category.

Sort Alphabetically

4.4 Share, Syncing Data and Unshare List

4.4.1 Share List

Step 1: Navigate to the list that you are going to share. Tap on the icon appearing in the top right corner.

List Share Icon

Step 2: Share your list through any available sharing option. After that, you will see a new icon appear near the Share icon.

View After Share List

4.4.2 Syncing Shared List Data

Step 1: At the top of the list item view page of the shared list, you can see the syncing icon. Tap on it.

Syncing Icon view

If any update is done by the shared person, those updates will be added to your list(1). Otherwise, you will see the message "No changes" (2).

Syncing Updates Added No syncing data message

4.4.3 Unshare List

Step 1: Navigate to the list that you are going to share. Tap on the three dots (...) available with the list name to access the flyer.

Access Flyer Options

Step 2: There you can see the option "Unshare List". Tap on it.

Flyer Unshare Option

Step 3: The confirmation prompt will appear. Tap "Yes" to stop sharing the list.

Confirmation of Unshare

Feature 5: Todo Done Page

5.1 Access Done Lists

Open the app, and you'll be directed to the Home Page's Todo Tab.

My Todo-Todo Page

Step 1: Simply tap on "Done" to move to the "Done" page.

My Todo-Done Page

5.2 Undone List

Step 1: Navigate to My Todo Done page.

My Todo-Done Page

Step 2: Tap on the green round checkbox.

Undone List

Step 3: An "Undone Confirmation" prompt will appear. Tap "Yes" to proceed.

Reorder Todo List

Your Undone list will move to the Todo Tab.

5.3 Delete Done List

Step 1: Navigate to My Todo Done page.

My Todo-Done Page

Step 2: Tap on the delete icon related to the list you are going to delete.

Delete Done List

Step 3: A "Delete Confirmation" prompt will appear. Tap "Yes" to proceed.

Delete Confirmation - Done

Feature 6: Todo Deleted Page

6.1 Access Done Lists

Open the app, and you'll be directed to the Home Page's Todo Tab.

My Todo-Todo Page

Step 1: Simply Tap on Deleted Tab to move to Deleted List page.

My Todo-Delete Page

6.2 Redo a Deleted List

Step 1: Navigate to My Todo Deleted page.

My Todo-Delete Page

Step 2: Tap on the undo icon in left side of the list name.

Redo List

Step 3: A "Redo Confirmation" prompt will appear. Tap "Yes" to proceed.

Redo Confirm

Your Undone list will move to the Todo Tab.

6.3 Permanantly Delete a List

Step 1: Navigate to My Todo Deleted page.

My Todo-Delete Page

Step 2: Tap on the delete icon related to the list you are going to delete.

Permanently Delete List

Step 3: A "Delete Confirmation" prompt will appear. Tap "Yes" to proceed.

Delete Confirmation - Delete Tab

Feature 7: Event Features

To access the Event page, you can conveniently add and manage your events. Simply tap on "Event" located at the top right corner or select the "Event" option from the bottom navigation menu.

7.1 Add Event

Step 1: Navigate to the Event Page. Simply tap on "Event" located at the top right corner (1) or select the "Event" option from the bottom navigation menu (2).

Move to Events

Once you're on the Event Page, you'll find an input box where you can add your event.

Add Event Input Box

Step 2: After adding your event details in the input box, simply tap the plus icon located in the right corner of the input box, or tap the "Enter" key to add the event.

Event Add Button

Your event will display under Today.

Added Event

7.2 Update the Event Type

Step 1: Tap on the three dots (...) available with Event.

Access Event Flyer

Step 2: From the opened flyer, simply tap on the first option.

Event Type Option

You will be direct to the Event Type Page. Here, you can choose an existing event type or create a new one.

Default Event Types

Create New Event Type: Simply enter Event type name and tap plus icon or tap enter key.

Add New Event Type

Step 3: Simply tap on your desired option to select it.

Select Event Type

Step 4: Tap Done button to save it.

Done Event Type

Your new Event type name will show as the first option.

New Event Type View

7.3 Add Due Date for an Event

Step 1: Tap on the three dots (...) available with Event.

Access Event Flyer

Step 2: From the opened flyer, simply tap on the second option labeled "Add Due Date".

Event Add Due Date Option

You will be directed to the Due Date Page.

Event Due Date Page

Step 3: You can select from options such as "Today," "Tomorrow," "Next week," or any custom future date.

Select Event Due Date

Step 4: Tap Done button to save it.

Done Event Due Date

Your selected date will replace the second option.

New Add Due View

7.4 Add Remind Me for an Event

Step 1: Tap on the three dots (...) available with Event.

Access Event Flyer

Step 2: From the opened flyer, simply tap on the third option labeled "Remind Me".

Event Remind Me Option

You will be directed to the Remind Me Page.

Event Remind Me Page

Step 3: You can select a date from options such as "Today," "Tomorrow," "Next week," or any custom future date. You can set up the time using Up (+1 time) and Down (-1 time) arrows.

Event Remind Me Page

Step 4: Tap Done button to save the date & time.

Done Event Remind Me

Your selected date will replace the "Remind Me" option.

Event New Remind Me Option

7.5 Add Repeat for an Event

Step 1: Tap on the three dots (...) available with Event.

Access Event Flyer

Step 2: From the opened flyer, simply tap on the fourth option labeled "Repeat".

Event Repeat Option

You will be directed to the Repeat Page.

Event Repeat Page

Step 3: You can select a repeat type from options such as "Daily", "Weekly", "Monthly", or "Yearly". You can set up the time using Up (+1 time) and Down (-1 time) arrows.

Event Set Time

Step 4: Tap Done button to save the date & time.

Done Event Remind Me

Your selected date & time will replace the "Remind Me" option.

Event New Remind Me Option

7.6 Add Note for an Event

Step 1: Tap on the three dots (...) available with Event.

Access Event Flyer

Step 2: From the opened flyer, simply tap on the fifth option labeled "Add Note".

Event Note Option

You will be directed to the Add Note Page.

Event Note Page

Step 3: In the Text area available you can type or copy-paste the note. Then tap Done button to save the note.

Event Note Done

"Add Note" option will be replaced with "View Note".

Event View Note Option

7.7 Delete an Event

Step 1: Tap on the three dots (...) available with Event.

Event Delete Flyer

Step 2: From the opened flyer, simply tap on the last option labeled "Delete".

Event Delete Option

Step 3: You will be asked for confirmation for deleting. Tap "Yes" there.

Event Delete Confirm

Your event will be deleted & you can't recover it.

7.8 Event Mark as Important

Step 1: Navigate to the event page.

Event Page

Step 2: From there, tap on the star mark available next to the relevant list.

Event Important Star

The yellow-filled star indicates that you've marked it as important.

Event Marked as Important

7.9 Event Sort Options

7.9.1 Sort by Important

Step 1: Tap on the three dots (...) available with Today at the right corner of the page.

Event Sort Access

Step 2: It will open the flyer containing Sort Options. Select the first option labeled "Important".

Event Sort Important

You can see your important marked list came top of each category.

Event Important Sorted

7.9.2 Sort by Created Date

Step 1: Tap on the three dots (...) available with Today at the right corner of the page.

Event Sort Access

Step 3: It will open the flyer containing Sort Options. Select the second option labeled "Created Date".

Event Sort Created Date

You can see your list sorted from created date in each category.

Event Created Date Sorted

7.9.3 Sort by Remind Me

Step 1: Tap on the three dots (...) available with Today at the right corner of the page.

Event Sort Access

Step 2: It will open the flyer containing Sort Options. Select the third option labeled "Due Date".

Event Sort Due Date

You can see your list sorted by added due dates within each category.

Event Due Date Sorted

7.9.4 Sort by Alphabatically

Step 1: Tap on the three dots (...) available with Today at the right corner of the page.

Event Sort Access

Step 2: It will open the flyer containing Sort Options. Select the last option labeled "Alphabetically".

Event Sort A-Z

You can see your list sorted by A - Z order in each category.

Event A-Z Sorted

Feature 8: Access Master List Page

8.1 Access Done Lists

Step 1: Open the app, and you'll be directed to the Home Page's Todo Tab. Simply tap on "Master List" in the bottom navigation bar.

Master List Navigation

Now you are in the Master Todo List Page, where you can manage the master list.

Master List Page

8.2 Add Master List

Step 1: Open the app, and you'll see the green round button with a plus icon. Tap there. (You don't need to be on the Master page to access this. You can access it from the Todo List, Events, and Alarm Pages.)

Green Plus Button

Step 2: From the open flyer, tap on the second option labeled "Add Master Todo."

Green Plus Flyer

You will be directed to the Add Master Todo Page, where you can add tasks to your Master List.

Add Master Todo Page

Step 3: First, add your Master List name in the input box that appears at the top(1). Then tap Enter on your keyboard.(2)

Add Master List Name

Step 4: Then, you will be able to add Master List items. Enter your items in the same way you would add Todo list items.

Add Master List Item

Step 5: After entering items, tap the Create button.

Create Master List

Your master list will appear on the Master Todo List Page.

Added Master List

8.3 Create a Todo List from Master List

Step 1: Navigate to the Master List page and access the Master List from which you want to create a Todo list.

Access Master List

Step 2: Choose the items or categories that you want to include in your Todo List.

Select Items

Step 3: After selecting the items or categories, tap on the copy icon located at the top of the page.

Tap Create

A "Create Todo List" pop-up will appear where you can update the Todo list name and create your list.

Create List Popup

Step 4: If desired, you can update the list name, then tap "Create" to proceed with creating the Todo list.

Tap Create

Your Todo list will be created, and you will be directed to the MyTodo - Todo page, where you can see your newly created list there.

Created Todo List

8.4 Master List Flyer features

To access the features of the Master List Flyer, you'll follow a similar process as with the Todo List. First, navigate to the Master List page, and then tap on the three dots (...) aligned with the Master List name. This action will open up a menu where you can access various options related to the Master List. You can access the Todo list flyer feature guide from here or tap the relevant topic from below. Please not that the position of the available options may vary depending on the layout of the Master Todo list flyer.

8.5 Master List Item Flyer features

To access the features of the Master List Item's Flyer, you'll follow a similar process as with the Todo List Item's flyer. First, navigate to the Master List page, and then tap on the three dots (...) aligned with the relevant Master List Item name. This action will open up a menu where you can access various options related to the Master List Item. You can access the Todo list item's flyer feature guide from here or tap the relevant topic from below.

8.6 Share Master List

Step 1: Navigate to the master list that you are going to share. Tap on the share icon appearing in the top right corner.

Master Share Button

Step 2: You can share your master list using any available sharing option within the application.

Master Share Option

8.7 Master List Sorting Options

The Master List provides three sorting options. To access them, go to the Master Todo List page and tap on the three dots (...) located at the top right corner next to the search bar. This action will open a flyer containing sorting options: Importance, Create Date, and Alphabetically.

Master Share Option

The sorting process for the Master List works the same way as sorting Todo lists. Simply tap on the desired sorting option, and your master lists will be sorted accordingly.

Sort by Imporatant View:


Sort by Created Date View:


Sorted by Alphabatically View:


Feature 9: Category Page Features

9.1 Access Category Page

Step 1: Open the app, and you'll see the green round button with plus icon. Tap there. (You don't need to be on the Master page to access this. You can access it from the Todo List, Events, and Alarm Pages.)

Green Plus Button

Step 2: From the open flyer, tap on the last option labeled "Category".

Category Access Option

You will be directed to the Category Page, where you can manage your Categories.

Category Page

9.2 Add a new Category

1st Way:

Step 1: Navigate to the Category Page.

Category Page

Step 2: There you can see an input box for adding category name. Type or paste the category name there.

Category Input Box

Step 3: Then tap the plus icon (+) within the input box or tap enter on the keyboard.

Category Input Button

Your category will be added there.

Added Category

2nd Way:

To add a new category through the Todo List or Master Todo List, scroll down to the bottom of the Todo List /Master Todo List item page. You will find a green-colored input box where you can add a new category.

Add Master Todo Page

9.3 Update an existing Category

Step 1: Navigate to the Category Page.

Category Page

Step 2: Tap on the Pencil icon (edit icon)

Category Edit Icon

Step 3: You can now update your category name. After update tap on enter on your keyboard.

Category Edit

Your Category will be updated.

Edited Category

9.4 Delete a Category

Step 1: Navigate to the Category Page.

Category Page

Step 2: Tap on the Delete icon.

Category Delete Icon

Your Category will be marked as deleted.

Deleted Category

You can recover it by tapping on the undo icon.

Recover Deleted Category

9.5 Show only active Categories

Step 1: Navigate to the Category Page.

Category Page

Step 2: At the top of the page, underneath the search bar, you'll find a toggle switch. Simply tap on it.

Toggle Switch

You can see only Activated Categories there.

Active Category View

9.6 Search Category

Step 1: Navigate to the Category Page. At the top of the page, you can see the search bar.

Category Search Bar

Step 2: Please type at least 2 letters to retrieve search results.

Category Search Result

Feature 10: General Settings

10.1 Update App Language

Step 1: Tap on the Menu icon in Home Page

Menu Icon in Home Page

Step 2: Tap on the first option with the globe icon under the General category.

First Option with Globe Icon

Step 3: A dropdown list will open as a flyer. Select the desired language from there.

Dropdown List for Language Selection

Your selected language will be applied as the app language.

Updated App Language

10.2 Update Font Size

Step 1: Tap on the Menu icon in Home Page

Menu Icon in Home Page

Step 2: Tap on the second option with two T's in different sizes under the General category.

Second Option with Two T's in Different Sizes

Step 3: Select the desired font size by tapping on the corresponding option. Each option represents a value compared to the default font size.

Font Sizes Options

Your selected font size will now be applied throughout the app.

10.3 Update Date and Time Format

Step 1: Tap on the Menu icon in Home Page

Menu icon in Home Page

Step 2: Tap on the third option "Date/Time Config" with clock icon under the General category.

Third option with clock icon

Step 3: You will be directed to the Date/Time Configuration Page. There, you can set up the time format, as well as the short and long date formats displayed throughout the app.
Time Format Options:

Time format options

Short Date Format Options:

Short date format options

Long Date Format Options:

Long date format options

Step 4: After making your desired changes, tap on the "Save" button to apply and save your configurations.

Save button

10.4 Add Supplementary Users (Premium Feature)

Step 1: Tap on the Menu icon in Home Page

Menu Icon in Home Page

Step 2: Tap on the option labeled 'Supplementary Accounts' under the General category.

Second Option with Two T's in Different Sizes

Step 3: You will be directed to the Supplementary account section within your profile. There, you can type or paste the desired email address and add it by tapping on the green-colored rounded plus icon. You can add up to 5 accounts in this section. The email addresses you're adding must be signed up to WinniTodo to be added as a Supplementary account.

Font Sizes Options

Your added email also get access to other premium features now.